Major 8 Poor UI/UX Practices That Must be Avoided

Ella Wilson
7 min readApr 12, 2024


When designing websites and applications, user experience is the key to success. Poor UI/UX design can frustrate users and drive them away. For anyone looking to stand out in the digital landscape, avoiding common website design mistakes that can harm your site’s or application’s user experience is crucial.

In this article, we’ll discuss 8 poor UI/UX practices that must be avoided. From confusing navigation to cluttered layouts, you will learn what not to do when creating an engaging digital experience for your users.

Major UI/UX design mistakes that must be avoided

Lack of consistency in UI elements

Discrepancies in the design or placement of UI elements on a website or application can significantly hinder the user experience.

This confuses users, disrupts interaction flow, and undermines the app’s credibility. Users may perceive the web or app solution as unprofessional or unreliable, impacting their trust and satisfaction.

Common causes of inconsistency in UI elements

Ad-hoc decisions due to the absence of comprehensive design guidelines

Contributions of multiple designers and developers resulting in divergent design choices

Updates made without considering the overall design coherence

Lack of user testing and feedback incorporation into design decisions

Dependency on third-party libraries or frameworks with inconsistent styles

Strategies to address UI element inconsistencies

Establish comprehensive design guidelines covering colors, typography, icons, and layout.

Utilize design systems or style guides to ensure consistency across all elements.

Regularly conduct design reviews and audits to identify and rectify any inconsistencies.

Ignoring text hierarchy

Ignoring text hierarchy can lead to confusion among users. Without clear distinctions between headings, subheadings, and body text, visitors may struggle to identify key points or prioritize information, resulting in frustration and dissatisfaction.

The image below demonstrates why a hierarchy is crucial for an effective UI design. The left side is overwhelming and challenging to navigate, while the right presents the same information clearly and concisely.
Disorganized vs Organized text hierarchy

Why do text hierarchy issues occur in UI/UX design?

Below are the various reasons that lead to generating text hierarchy issues in website design

Lack of differentiation between headings and body text

Inconsistent font styles and sizes

Overuse of bold or italicized text

Excessive use of all-caps or underlined text

Insufficient spacing between lines or paragraphs

Best UI/UX design practices to ensure effective text hierarchy

Uniformity in font sizes and styles throughout the interface

Proper use of headings and subheadings

Effective utilization of white spaces

Overwhelming users with pop-ups

Despite being a good medium for presenting promotional offers, newsletter sign-ups, and other tasks that grab users’ attention, pop-ups can be intrusive if not used judiciously.

Using an excessive number of pop-ups is one of the worst UI design approaches that often causes a frustrating and overwhelming user experience. It disrupts the natural flow of interaction and makes it challenging for users to focus on their intended tasks.

Examples of worst pop-up designs

Multiple pop-ups appear simultaneously upon entering a website

Continuously prompting users with pop-ups for newsletter subscriptions, promotions, and surveys without allowing them to interact with the main content

Pop-ups that cover the entire screen and require users to search for the close button or opt-out option

Repeatedly displaying pop-ups even after users have dismissed them interrupts the browsing experience

Pop-ups that autoplay audio or video content, disrupting users’ focus

Best practices for displaying pop-ups

Here are the best practices that web developers must follow to mitigate the negative impacts of pop-ups on UX.

Display pop-ups at appropriate intervals and limit their frequency

Communicate the purpose of the pop-up clearly and concisely to ensure user understanding

Provide users with easy-to-find opt-out buttons or mechanisms to dismiss pop-ups effortlessly

Using ineffective or poor iconography

Though icons work as visual cues that help users navigate interfaces, perform actions, and understand functionality at a glance, poor iconography can lead to usability issues as users struggle to interpret icons correctly. This can decrease user satisfaction and ultimately label the site as having one of the worst UI designs.

Irrelevant vs. relevant designed icons

Common issues with icon usage in UI design

Web designers must avoid using -

Unclear or ambiguous icons that don’t represent their intended functions

Icons with overly complex designs or excessive detail

Icons that are closely similar to each other

Tips to avoid poor iconography

To make efficient use of icons, web designers should follow the below best user experience design tips:

Aim for icons that are instantly recognizable and easily understood without the need for explanation

Maintain visual consistency in icon design across different devices and platforms to provide a seamless user experience

Perform user testing to evaluate icons’ clarity and effectiveness, making adjustments based on user feedback as needed

Using complicated or confusing forms

The use of complex forms overwhelms users with abundant information that impairs decision-making and increases the likelihood of users leaving the website.

Example of a long and complicated form design

Users are likely to abandon lengthy forms, especially when faced with tight deadlines or competing priorities in their tasks or schedules. Therefore, by simplifying forms, web designers can minimize user frustration and improve overall interaction with the site.

Common mistakes that make a form complicated

Long and convoluted registration forms with excessive fields

Confusing input fields with unclear labels or instructions

Overuse of mandatory fields, making the form daunting to complete

Asking for unnecessary or irrelevant information that adds complexity

Using complex validation rules that make it difficult for users to proceed

Strategies to simplify forms

Here are the website design optimization strategies that prominent web and app development companies often use to simplify forms.

Prioritize essential information and reduce the number of fields

Use clear and concise language for labels and instructions

Minimize mandatory fields to only those necessary

Provide helpful hints or tooltips to assist users where needed

Having unresponsive web pages

A webpage’s non-responsiveness can lead to a frustrating user experience. Users may face distorted layouts, overlapping content, or inaccessible features, which results in users abandoning the website and favoring competitors with better accessibility.

Non-responsive vs responsive page design

In addition to decreasing website traffic, a non-responsive site can suffer from lower rankings as search engines penalize sites that are not mobile-friendly.

Characteristics of a non-responsive web page

Inaccessible features or buttons on smaller screens

Distorted layout on mobile devices

Overlapping content

To ensure your web design is compatible with all devices, you might have to implement flexible layouts, optimize images, etc. This may necessitate the utilization of relevant technical expertise. To make this task easier, consider hiring a web developer to make the necessary adjustments.

Using ineffectively designed call-to-actions (CTAs)

Being a gateway to conversions, CTAs guide users toward desired actions such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an app.

However, poorly designed CTAs can sabotage the user experience and hinder achieving business goals. They can exhibit various shortcomings, such as ambiguous language, inadequate visibility, inappropriate placement, and lack of clarity regarding the action being performed.

Examples of some ineffective CTAs

Common mistakes when designing CTAs

Using generic phrases like “Click Here” or “Learn More” without providing context

Using small font sizes that are hard to read, especially on mobile devices

Including too many elements around the CTA, leading to visual clutter

Failing to incorporate visual cues such as arrows or buttons that indicate interactivity

Best UI/UX design practices for crafting effective CTAs

Ensure that the CTA message is clear and concise

Incorporate visually appealing design elements such as contrasting colors and bold typography to make the CTA stand out

Position the CTA prominently within the user’s field of view, considering the natural flow of the user journey

Make sure the CTA is sized appropriately for easy interaction, whether on desktop or mobile devices

Continuously test different variations of CTAs to identify the most effective design and brand messaging strategies

Incorporating irrelevant or low-quality images

Images serve as a powerful medium in shaping the overall perception of a website or application. They communicate information, evoke emotions, and enhance the user journey. However, using irrelevant or low-quality images can undermine the effectiveness of UI/UX design, leading to negative consequences like decreased user engagement and higher bounce rates

The primary problem with using irrelevant images is the distraction they create for users. When an image does not align with the content or context of a web page or application, it can divert the user’s attention from the intended message.

Various instances of irrelevant image insertion

Using a picture of a beach scene including furniture as the main product image on an eCommerce site selling furniture

A corporate website having outdated and low-resolution images of employees
A travel booking platform showcasing irrelevant stock photos of landscapes unrelated to the destinations

A healthcare app using generic animated images instead of authentic medical imagery


By identifying and understanding all the above-mentioned common UI/UX mistakes, you can proactively avoid them and create a more user-friendly interface. From cluttered layouts to confusing navigation, each practice discussed in this blog should be avoided for improving website design optimization strategies.

Remember, a well-crafted user interface is vital to creating a positive and memorable experience for your site visitors. So, take the time to refine your UI/UX practices and watch your website thrive!

Best of luck.



Ella Wilson

Business Consultant and Technical Content Strategist- | Mobile & Web Enthusiast, Tech Geek, Blogger by Passion. 14+ Years of Experience.