Freelance Shopify developers vs. Shopify development companies: A detailed comparison

Ella Wilson
5 min readMay 20, 2024


Freelancers vs Companies

Deciding between hiring a freelance Shopify developer and partnering with a Shopify development company can be complex owing to the unique benefits offered by each.

Join us as we delve deeper into comparing freelance Shopify developers and Shopify development services. This post will provide valuable insights to help you decide on the most suitable path to achieving your eCommerce objectives.

Freelance Shopify developers vs. Shopify development companies: Understanding the basics

Freelance Shopify developers

Shopify freelancers are independent professionals who specialize in designing, building, and customizing websites using the Shopify platform. These professionals take up work on a project basis and offer their services to clients seeking to establish or enhance their online presence through this CMS platform.

Additionally, beyond Shopify, these developers may possess expertise in web development, including coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. With their flexible schedules and diverse skill sets, freelance Shopify developers offer businesses a cost-effective and personalized approach to creating and maintaining online stores.

Shopify website development companies

These firms specialize in creating and managing websites on the Shopify platform. They employ team members with diverse skill sets who work together to build custom Shopify websites for clients. In addition to Shopify, such companies may offer a range of eCommerce website development services on other platforms like Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, and others.

Freelance Shopify developers vs. Shopify development companies: A detailed factor-based comparison


  • Freelancers offer lower rates than service-providing companies due to lower overhead costs. They often operate independently, allowing them to set competitive prices based on their skill level and market demand. This cost advantage makes them an attractive option for budget-conscious businesses seeking quality Shopify store development.
  • Companies tend to have higher rates due to their overhead costs, including salaries for their team members, office space, and other operational expenses. However, these higher rates often come with added value in terms of services, expertise, and support, making them a worthwhile investment for businesses with larger budgets or complex project requirements.


  • Freelance Shopify website developers may possess varied skill sets and expertise. While some freelancers can excel in certain aspects, such as theme customization or app integration, others may have limitations in handling complex projects that require a diverse range of skills.
  • Unlike freelancers, companies hire developers, designers, and project managers with expertise across various aspects of Shopify store development. Their services may include Shopify website design, optimization, theme development, plugin development, and website migration. These individuals work together to collectively apply their knowledge, experience, and best practices in the industry to deliver high-quality solutions. This expertise enables these firms to tackle projects of any size or complexity, ensuring a high level of client satisfaction.


  • Hiring a freelance Shopify website developer enables clients to interact directly with the freelancer, providing feedback, discussing project requirements, and addressing any concerns in real-time. This direct line of communication promotes transparency, clarity, and efficient collaboration throughout the project lifecycle.
  • A Shopify development company often follows structured communication processes involving project managers or designated contacts as intermediaries between clients and the development team. Although this approach introduces an additional layer of communication, it ensures consistency, accountability, and streamlined coordination across various project stakeholders. Additionally, companies may also leverage project management tools and platforms to facilitate communication, track progress, and manage client expectations effectively.


  • Freelancers may offer flexible availability depending on their workload and schedule. While this flexibility can be advantageous for accommodating urgent projects or tight deadlines, it may also pose challenges in terms of consistency and reliability, especially if the freelancer is handling multiple projects simultaneously.
  • Companies typically maintain consistent availability for projects with dedicated teams and resources. This ensures continuity, reliability, and timely delivery of project milestones, regardless of fluctuations in workload or individual team members’ availability. Additionally, they may have established processes for managing project timelines, prioritizing tasks, and allocating resources effectively to meet client deadlines and expectations.

Turnaround time

  • Due to their ability to work independently, freelance Shopify website developers may have quicker turnaround times for smaller projects or tasks. This agility can be advantageous for clients seeking fast delivery or iterative development cycles, where quick feedback and adjustments are essential for project success.
  • Due to the structured processes, larger team sizes, and comprehensive project management, Shopify development companies can have longer project turnaround times. While this may result in a more methodical and thorough approach to development, it can also lead to extended project timelines, especially for complex or large-scale projects that require meticulous planning, testing, and iteration.


  • Freelance Shopify website developers may offer limited or no ongoing support beyond project completion. They primarily focus on delivering the agreed-upon scope of work within the project timeline. While some freelancers may provide basic documentation or guidance for post-launch support, clients may need to rely on their resources or seek external assistance for future updates, maintenance, or troubleshooting.
  • By partnering with a Shopify development company, you can expect support services, including ongoing maintenance, updates, and technical assistance post-launch. With dedicated support teams and service-level agreements (SLAs), companies ensure that clients receive timely assistance, regular updates, and proactive monitoring to keep their Shopify websites running smoothly and securely over time.

Quality assurance

  • Freelance Shopify website developers usually rely on their own quality assurance (QA) processes to ensure the integrity, functionality, and performance of their deliverables. While some freelancers may implement thorough testing and debugging practices, others may have limited resources or expertise in QA, which could potentially result in overlooked issues or inconsistencies in the final product.
  • With dedicated QA teams, Shopify development companies conduct comprehensive testing, validation, and quality assurance throughout the development lifecycle. These teams employ rigorous testing methodologies, automated tools, and manual inspections to identify and rectify any bugs, errors, or usability issues before deployment. By adhering to industry best practices and quality standards, companies ensure that the delivered Shopify websites meet the highest standards of quality, reliability, and user satisfaction.

Long term partnerships

  • Clients who value direct communication, flexibility, and a personalized approach may prefer to establish ongoing relationships with freelancers who understand their business needs and goals. However, freelancers may face challenges in maintaining continuity and availability over time, especially if they encounter career shifts or changes in workload.
  • Shopify development agencies foster long-term relationships with clients by offering ongoing support, maintenance, and strategic guidance beyond project delivery. With dedicated account managers, client services teams, and structured support frameworks, agencies prioritize client retention.

Freelance Shopify developers vs. Shopify development Companies: A quick comparison

Freelance vs. Companies

The verdict

The choice between hiring a freelance Shopify website developer or partnering with a Shopify development company depends largely on the scale, complexity, and resources required for the project.

For smaller to medium-sized projects with straightforward requirements and limited budgets, freelance Shopify website developers can be a viable option. In contrast, Shopify development companies are better equipped to handle projects of any size or complexity, from small business websites to enterprise-level eCommerce platforms.

Ultimately, the decision should be based on a thorough assessment of project requirements, budget considerations, and the desired level of expertise and support needed to achieve project success.



Ella Wilson

Business Consultant and Technical Content Strategist- | Mobile & Web Enthusiast, Tech Geek, Blogger by Passion. 14+ Years of Experience.